I draw, that's just about it.

Alory @SIG7IvanPoopy

Genderfluid / MainlyMasc


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North Carolina, USA

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Minor News Flash - 12-24-2024 (Fr this time)

Posted by SIG7IvanPoopy - December 24th, 2024

Mondays, I Don't Like Them.

Including the fact that it was the second day of something my family (minus me) was working on (I suppose Dinner for Christmas Eve stuff) and they were busy and then I was also called quite a bit (oh and I also had to go outside more than normal on a Winter day since I had to take out the trash a lot)

Techless Stuff:

  • I had an issue with my physical window that some cold air would be let inside my room. This was due to the fact my room's window is technically always open so a cord can go through it, and the gaps are held by tape. This tape had grown old and had lots of residue, it sucked.
  • So the stuff near the bottom of the window had lots of gunk, I cleaned it out.
  • There was a tiny bit of stuff near the top though that wasn't as hard. I then replaced the bottom tape easily, however the top part was kinda tough, since there was lots of tape residue (I hate it) and I had to use a paper towel to get it off since some got stuck to my finger.
  • I then swept the floor below the window too for good measure. Also note that my window is behind the desk I have my PC at, and next to my bed. So it was kind of major. (If I were to make a 1D map of my room, I'd say like ERRRDW, E being the entrance, R being the room itself, D being the desk and the comma key being bad today, and W being the Window.
  • I think I did this at like 3 PM or something, which caused everything else done today to be done late.

Techfull Stuff:

I didn't get to fix my problem. For those who are technically illiterate, please scroll to the bottom for more easy to digest words.

On the technical side of things (this is a followup to yesterday's post and the post before it.)

  • Still haven't been able to boot into macOS Sequoia, but luckily I managed to backup everything I needed to onto a very small partition.
  • (Note, Sequoia's Recovery Mode/Installer's Disk Utility allowed me to make disk images from folders, which allowed me to backup everything I needed to. (Which was just a non-cancerous amount of screenshots showing my Mac's progression and other things such as a certain to be announced-again game running on it, which wasn't FNF but there's screenshots of that in there too.)
  • The small partition was only like 700mb I managed to create using Lion's Disk Utility (why is it so different?)
  • Also OSX Lion is too old to recognize the file format that macOS was formatted in, how sad.

So yeah.

In a Nutshell

  • I managed to backup some stuff onto a small partition, and I'm ready to reinstall macOS (again) in the morning.

I think I might upgrade to macOS Sonoma, not sure. Well I'll see about macOS Ventura, as it seems it'll likely have good results.

Also, trying to boot into Safe Mode did nothing.


  • Reinstall macOS X Lion, then upgrade to macOS Sierra, then use OpenCore Legacy Patcher to upgrade to Monterey again and see about Ventura.
  • Find out how Time Machine (Software) works. [MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THIS SINCE I KIND OF SUCK AT MAKING BACKUPS.]

For the Technically Illiterate/Not Caught Up

For those not caught up:

  • The Sunday prior to this week, I decided that the iMac I use needed macOS on it again. I had Linux installed on it previously, as I accidentally wiped my hard drive when I screwed up something in a Windows installer. (I thought something would've done something else if I added something to it, it did not work. This was months ago.)
  • Then one day I found out macOS had an "Internet Recovery" mode*. This means I could grab the most bare bones' version of macOS that I could use to restore my computer. And so I did (making sure everything I had was safe). I then updated to the version I'm most familiar with. Then I used a program called OpenCore Legacy Patcher, it allows users to install modern versions of macOS on unsupported hardware, like abandoned Macintosh devices and standard machines.
  • I then upgraded to macOS Monterey, which I thought was apparently the last macOS version that needed 4 GB of memory to run. Though I saw somewhere else that it needs 8. Not sure.
  • Then recently (the Saturday after, a few days ago.) I decided to upgrade again. It was a failure. I went from Monterey to Sequoia. Sequoia had so many bugs and it used so much CPU. When I found of a way to make the CPU have less usage, it was too late as I couldn't boot back into the computer.

For those who have hard times understanding:

  • On this edition, I managed to back up some stuff, and I came up with a game plan for how I'll approach tomorrow.
  • I'll then reinstall a good version of macOS and then upgrade to a version that hopefully won't crash as well as making backups.

*As of writing, I found this article: https://www.macobserver.com/tips/how-to/reinstall-macos-using-internet-recovery-mode/ that had some keybinds I didn't know of, which included ones that allowed the most latest version compatible/the system initial version to be installed from the internet. Didn't know that existed.

Welp, time for me to finish a drawing I've been holding off for two months. Should hopefully be out by the end of the month or the start of January. No exceptions for February.

1:40 AM - 12/24/2024



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