This is w- wait I can see my description as I type but not the rest of the text. Oh and the "Featured Content" logo and buttons have normal text but the rest doesn't.
I managed to install macOS onto a partition on my PC. Was pretty easy, also managed to copy all my data on the apps from my USB to my PC (not using Time Machine or anything but rather I manually copied all the files.)
It explains what this down here is. (Me selecting a bulk of folders.)
What I did prior to installing macOS was the method in the prior news flash in which I flashed Ventoy to my old USB drive and then used a Linux distro to alter partitions, there was an extra partition too that I had no use or knowledge of so I removed it.
So basically it was like
[1][ ][ 2. ][ ][ 3. ][ ][ 4 ] kinda (in how the partitions were layed out)
the ones without numbers being blank spaces
so I created a macOS and Windows partition
This is an image I uploaded to Discord. It's basically what my computer's storage is split into.
I wonder if Boot Camp can work on my PC, that'd make things easier.
Oh. Welp, guess I'm out of luck with Boot Camp for now since I have Linux partitions and whatnot (since macOS can't manage the format I have it installed on) so I'll just use what I've been using for earlier attempts.
It works pretty good actually. On my first attempt to install Windows 8.1 with the old flash drive, it worked. All I wish is that there were to be like a "Retry" button when a file fails to copy, as that's what I had to deal with more after more attempts at flashing, since after some time, only the purple backdrop would show, and I had to manually run the setup.exe file but that wouldn't work.
Anyway, I'll be using this on my new USB flash drive when I copy some extra files, such as drawings and whatever else I may need. And when I figure out how to fix the fonts on Newgrounds if possible.
(Edit: 9:18 PM
I try to go onto a site that could've fixed my issue but instead I get the same issue there too. I wonder why.)
(Edit: 9:31/33 PM
Turns out I was missing a bunch of crucial system fonts.)
when ng is confused af: