I draw, that's just about it.

Alory @SIG7IvanPoopy

Genderfluid / MainlyMasc


Homeschooled forgot to put. |

North Carolina, USA

Joined on 10/3/20

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SIG7IvanPoopy's News

Posted by SIG7IvanPoopy - 13 days ago

In the sky

Birds will fly

And here I ask,

Why can't I?

I try to think.

I can only blink.

Mind numb

Feeling dumb

Plans feel weary

Like a sore thumb.



Posted by SIG7IvanPoopy - 13 days ago

i somehow accidentally might've corrupted my copy of macos so i'm typing here from kde neon and i probably won't deal with operating systems until i'm "done" with the projects i'm working on

done as in the sense of:

  • fnf mods - until i no longer have mods to work on, or at least not major roles in one
  • other projects - until they're done or at least a v1 exists

not sure what else to say here

it's 4:52 am and i'm a bit tired so yeah

tho ig since i'm here, i might make some plans

not relating to OS stuff:

  • reinstall vivaldi, preferably not via snap (hopefully pixilart can fully work then)
  • get better at drawing and coding
  • make music

ngl rn im only up since i was kinda allowed to since my sister was helpin my mom stay awake and guess i might also be awake too but in my room


Posted by SIG7IvanPoopy - 13 days ago


This is w- wait I can see my description as I type but not the rest of the text. Oh and the "Featured Content" logo and buttons have normal text but the rest doesn't.


I managed to install macOS onto a partition on my PC. Was pretty easy, also managed to copy all my data on the apps from my USB to my PC (not using Time Machine or anything but rather I manually copied all the files.)

It explains what this down here is. (Me selecting a bulk of folders.)


What I did prior to installing macOS was the method in the prior news flash in which I flashed Ventoy to my old USB drive and then used a Linux distro to alter partitions, there was an extra partition too that I had no use or knowledge of so I removed it.

So basically it was like

[1][ ][ 2. ][ ][ 3. ][ ][ 4 ] kinda (in how the partitions were layed out)

the ones without numbers being blank spaces

so I created a macOS and Windows partition


This is an image I uploaded to Discord. It's basically what my computer's storage is split into.

I wonder if Boot Camp can work on my PC, that'd make things easier.


Oh. Welp, guess I'm out of luck with Boot Camp for now since I have Linux partitions and whatnot (since macOS can't manage the format I have it installed on) so I'll just use what I've been using for earlier attempts.

iu_1353486_8236069.png WinDiskWriter

It works pretty good actually. On my first attempt to install Windows 8.1 with the old flash drive, it worked. All I wish is that there were to be like a "Retry" button when a file fails to copy, as that's what I had to deal with more after more attempts at flashing, since after some time, only the purple backdrop would show, and I had to manually run the setup.exe file but that wouldn't work.

Anyway, I'll be using this on my new USB flash drive when I copy some extra files, such as drawings and whatever else I may need. And when I figure out how to fix the fonts on Newgrounds if possible.

(Edit: 9:18 PM


I try to go onto a site that could've fixed my issue but instead I get the same issue there too. I wonder why.)

(Edit: 9:31/33 PM


Turns out I was missing a bunch of crucial system fonts.)


Posted by SIG7IvanPoopy - 13 days ago

i was openin a file i downloaded from vivaldi and then it opened the gnome file manager



i have plans i must speak here

oh and also i got a valentine at like 4 am its a pretty femboy~ <3


i have macos instaleld on my new usb, i tried to get a windows 8.1 installer to work on my old usb drive, but that only worked once and never after

considering fixing my partitions using a linux iso loaded from ventoy

then i go back into my pc's linux, patch my old usb once again to have a macos instalelr

then i use that to either clone my new usb's macos install, or use the instalelr to install macos onto a blank partition

then i reuse the new usb to be what windwos 8.1 has on it

or i use it to install windows 8.1 onto the old flash drive

i haven't decided yet

maybe i could use bootcamp but idk for sure

guess time iwll tell

also not kidding about the file manager part


tom fulp please let me add spoiler tags to this


Posted by SIG7IvanPoopy - 2 weeks ago

Everyone on Discord is busy and whatnot, and the person I want to be my valentine is probably busy or ignoring me, so I've resorted to co- she's offline now. Oh well, I've resorted to going onto her Soundcloud, going to a song, and making a bad Valentine's Day joke based off of the title of the song.

The song in question is https://soundcloud.com/gayeish-jsonah/and-the-angels-started-falling and its kinda easy to see what I did. Maybe a bad pickup line or something.

.---- ----- ----. ...-- ...-- ..--- ----. ----- ....- .---- ----- ----. ...-- ---.. ...-- -.... ----. ...-- .----

There's like some others I would also like to have as Valentines, though she's the best. She's so mighty fine, pretty too, I wish I could talk to her more but she works at a Starbucks and she's probably busy. (I know nothing about jobs like that so with what I can assume, I usually avoid talking to her as I don't wanna disrupt her, and the large amount of times I haven't gotten responses back, like today, I did talk to her very shortly and by that, me saying "Happy Valentine's Day" and her being shocked that I remember she existed, then I wanted to bring the convo back up and got no response, so it's something.)

.---- ----- ----. ...-- ...-- ..--- ----. ----- ....- .---- ----- ----. ...-- ---.. ...-- -.... ----. ...-- .----

The things I would do for her.~ But oh well, time will tell what happens.

On a slightly unrelated note, the peopl- oh hey she's online again! But as I was gonna say, it feels like everyone else has been silent too, whether it be the peeps I want as valentines or not. So that's strange.



Posted by SIG7IvanPoopy - 2 weeks ago

totally not me seeing one of my favorite artists draw my first ex and the friend they cheated on me with two years and one day after the incident...

saying this here since none of them have newgrounds accounts


Posted by SIG7IvanPoopy - 2 weeks ago

I feel this would qualify more as a minor news flash, but I don't really care.

Sorry for the long delay, lots of stuff has occured. School exams have occured, which made me like a couple days behind (though I caught up with most of it last night other than two math assignments, I was gonna do them but then I got sidetracked by my mom, not her fault though)

But onto the good stuff...

In the last news flash, I mentioned that I found a thing that helped me install macOS Sierra onto my machine. While it did work, I had that and then made a new copy of the partition to install Monterey, it worked for a while until Monterey stopped booting and then the macOS Sierra partition randomly got bricked.

(I feel I could've had a better solution with Monterey, but whatever.)

So on the macOS Sierra (which I'll refer to as the backup) Partition, I managed to get a custom Bootloader (OpenCore Legacy Patcher's) to recognize the Linux install I had. It works, even though I have to go through GRUB to boot Linux. I did try (more recently) to install rEFInd (another bootloader) but its pretty slow since there's lots of stuff it has to read, so whatever...

What I plan on doing later today is seeing if I could either reinstall macOS or install Windows 8.1 (or 7/10) onto this machine. Though maybe macOS first and then use BootCamp. Depends on how much disk space I have, but it shouldn't be an issue since...

On January 20th, 2024, some things happened. My sister's birthday was a week prior, but considering the whole house was on a fast, we didn't celebrate with a cake and whatnot, and my mom gave my sister a mango as a present.

On the same day, Three Kings Day was celebrated (very late, two weeks later in fact as its on Jan 6th normally) but I got some cool stuff.

Some of the stuff I got was a USB Flash Drive and a microSD Card (with an adapter).

I used the SD card to install some games onto my Switch (since it has like maybe over four times the storage capacity of the previous SD Card I used which I'm now realizing I have no clue where it's at. Update: it was in an older SD Card Adapter I had plugged into my PC, which blended so well I didn't know it was in there.)

I planned on using the USB drive last Wednesday, but got so caught up with catching up on schoolwork that I wasn't able to.

On an old USB flash drive, I used that to put Ventoy on it (though I planned on putting it into a disc but it didn't get detected for whatever reason.) I then archived some files from my Chromebook, so now you can see I have a bunch of drawings!


(The stuff in red is private development stuff, which is stuff you'll likely see in the future, and the stuff in blue is personal/private stuff. Also the icons are just part of a theme.)

Onto other stuff, I've been modding some stuff, mainly Friday Night Funkin' as there's a few mods I'm making I want to finish beforehand, and then a mod I did one image for relating to SRB2Kart which I'm now realizing I can't find the 1x1... Luckily I had some WIP screenshots. Shame I lack the 1x1 file though. I guess I never saved it.

I also archived a bunch of drawings that would've been lost since I once accidentally wiped my PC. (Lots of early drawings I've uploaded here have lost project files.)

Here's my favorite.iu_1350188_8236069.png

It was drawn for a contest in which people had to draw their OCs in a character's outfit. I felt like spicing up the colors of the outfit for this one tho.

I don't know what else to write so uh... yeah.

This would've came out fifteen minutes earlier but I decided to join my family do one of those face mask things but it was an Indian clay mask thing, and now my face is stuck as there's clay all over my face, and a bit in my hair, eyebrows, mustache, and beard. (Edit: some also got on my eyelashes and a big bit of it fell onto my pants I forgot to mention.)

It feels like my face is closing in on itself.


Before and After.


Posted by SIG7IvanPoopy - January 8th, 2025

I feel DeviantArt is like the wild west of 'art' sites. Like, there's lots of good art, but then there's lots of not original content and AI generated stuff too. As well as there being artist comm. spaces, I just find it annoying. Don't get me started on the fetishes either. It's hard to find an image on DeviantArt that isn't a fetish with a few clicks. Sometimes you may find a cool image on your search engine leading to there, then on the side is like vore or inflation. Blegh.

And then there's lots of reuploads of stuff too. Like someone posted a Sonic Mania screenshot, and someone (else?) posted Knuckles' sprite sheet. And I also saw someone reupload the promo material for Sonic X Shadow Generations, and another person upload the logo for it. LIke why?

Anyway, this is a small rant. Expect some news maybe by later this week.



Posted by SIG7IvanPoopy - December 31st, 2024

2024 is on the brink of death. Tomorrow, he will die. It's good to move on, yet it may hurt to lose such a beloved year. Lots of good has happened, and some bad, but mostly good, as I can't be bothered to try to find anything bad to happen.

This year went by pretty fast, didn't it? I went on a cruise and a few flights yet hardly remember a thing!

Personally, I've been tryna see if I could get something out by New Year's, but it seems out of reach, considering everyone else I have workin' on it has kinda just stopped what they're doing even when I've asked if anyone could do one vital thing that'd take a while, but that's beside the point.

Anyway, Happy New Year's Eve!


Posted by SIG7IvanPoopy - December 29th, 2024

Gamers, good news.

Today (and by today, I mean a mix of actually today, and yesterday, as it is 3 AM.) I had:

  • Managed to install macOS onto my PC once more (planning on upgrading to Monterey and stopping there).
  • Used the colored pencils I got for Christmas for the first time.
  • Finished a drawing I've been working on for two months.

In more detail (in the order of above):

  • I found a file somewhere having a ".raw" file which had an installer for macOS Sierra on it, which seemed to be (apparently) a conversion of the installer to an ISO bootable format, which I burned to my flash drive with balenaEtcher. (Note: I managed to setup Time Machine, just incase I need to backup stuff.
  • I used the colored pencils to color in two drawings I did 'quickly' as I listened to some music. However, these relate to something currently private, so I can't share these in full, however it relates to a game I'm working on.
  • And the two month drawing I've been working on also comes to a conclusion, albeit digitally and not on paper like what's mentioned above.

Reason this News Flash is listed as Semi-Minor, as there is some major info here, however there's just not much said about these things here at the moment.

Hoping for good things soon!